Address | Kasteellaan 65 1081 Koekelberg View on Google Maps |
Contact details | |
Ages | From 0 until 36 months |
Guided tour | You can only make an appointment for a tour if the childcare facility has a place for your child. |
Start your application for childcare by adding this location to your list of favorites. Then register all the details of your child, yourself and your partner.
This is possible after making an appointment with the childcare facility.
Wheelchair accessible | This childcare facility not wheelchair accessible. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Capacity | Space for 36 children | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of groups | This care facility has 2 groups. There is one group with children from 2 to 17 months and one group with children from 18 to 36 months. |
Language policy | The colloquial language with the children is Dutch. |
Price |
This childcare facility uses an income-related rate.
This care facility takes into account your family income when determining your daily rate. On the website you can make a simulation of your rate. This gives you an idea of the approximate daily rate you will have to pay. For this you need an identity card with your pin code and card reader, a token or the digital identification app 'itsme'. The next costs are added to the daily rate on a monthly basis:
Opening hours |
Closing periods | This care facility is closed annually during the following periods:
Meals |
This childcare facility uses a caterer. This childcare facility also takes into account:
Diaper | The daycare provides the diapers (paying) Washable diapers are also possible | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Breast feeding |
Outdoor play area | The care facility has an outdoor play area. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Allocation policy | This care facility applies the legal priority criteria and also prioritizes applications that meet the following criteria:
Please note that even if you meet several of these criteria, this does not guarantee you a place. |
Accessibility | Public transport within walking distance:
Respite days | This care facility provides 60 respite days for a 12-month full-time care plan. These are days when your child can be absent without having to pay. Absences due to illness with a doctor's bill and pre-reported vacation are counted to a limited extent. Absences due to hospitalization are not counted. |
Brief description of this childcare facility |