Daycare facility/center or family daycare
Group care facility or daycare facility/center:
- Child daycare facility, crib or nursery are the same kind of childcare facility.
- It is a group care facility. There is room for 9 children or more.
- A team of childcare workers takes care of the children. Even if one of the childcare workers is sick, the childcare facility stays open.
- The childcare facility is open at least 11 hours a day.
- The childcare facility is open at least 220 days per year
Family daycare or family care facility:
- Here there is room for up to 8 children.
- The childcare workers take care for the children in their own homes.
- In family daycare the childcare worker usually works alone.
- Your child always has the same caregiver.
- The quality of the family care facility and the group care facility is the same.
Watch a video here with information about the different types of child care.