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Inclusive childcare

Does your child need special care? Then it may still be able to go to an ordinary childcare facility. Ordinary childcare facilities where children with special needs also go are called "inclusive childcare facilities".

Who are children with special needs?

Children with special needs develop differently or more slowly:

The 'Inclusieve kinderopvang' logo

Childcare facilities that pay extra attention to children with special needs receive the logo 'Inclusieve kinderopvang’.

What are the advantages of inclusive childcare?

How do you apply for childcare for a child with special needs?

Here you can find the list of all childcare facilities that are committed to inclusive childcare.

Do you have any questions about your application? Contact the Loket Kinderopvang.

Also check the website of Kind en Gezin for general information about inclusive childcare.

Do you have a question?

Call us on 02 788 31 73 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Available via Whatsapp from Monday 'till Friday, from 9.30am to 12.30pm

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